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Pirates and Evenstar join a VRMMO in the Troubleverse
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She darts in and kisses Sable's cheek.


She blushes and smiles. "Feels pretty great, doesn't it? I remember when that was new for me, when it was still such a blissful surprise to see."


"Yeah," she says reverentially. "It really does." 


"Oh! You might not know, but you can download your in-game appearance to your pod, use it in your local environment too. Should be an option in the menu."


"I am so doing that. I tried to make a - custom avatar for myself - a couple times years ago, but nothing really... fit, until..." 

She laughs. "I'm amazed I was so oblivious."


She walks over to one of the beds, still tugging Sable along on her arm.

"I..." She looks down at her feet. "I feel so good. And you've been nothing but good to me. I hardly know you, but..." 


She leans in very gently and kisses Sable again, on the lips this time.


Well this is a welcome surprise. She leans close to gently return the kiss. "What's the point of power or skill if not to be good to people, especially people you enjoy?"


"Yeah," she says softly.

This is a dreamworld. 

It's okay.

She can do whatever she wants. 


... And what she wants is this lovely girl.

She kisses her again. She doesn't know how this works but she thinks she can figure it out.


Well how about they tumble onto the bed together, and Sable deepens the kiss a bit, eager but patient, mixed with little playful nips? How about Sable's hand strokes along Hyacinth's back, smooth and gentle and firm, grounding her in this moment here?


Ooooooooooooooooooh. That would be lovely.

She presses in, eager for skin contact. It's a lot. It's a lot like holding the poker was a lot, such a wash of sensation all across her body, but she's here for it.


It is a litttttttle hard to handle all of this at once but her anxious brain can just shut up. 


Sable's happy to help shut up an anxious brain, such as with a thigh pressing between Sin's, or a hand slipping down to squeeze her ass just a bit, all while continuing to kiss her tenderly.


Ooooooooooh. Thank you Sable. 

She kisses back and closes her eyes and lets her body move. She presses up against that thigh, and alien-yet-right sensations rush through her body, sending shivers up her spine. 

Yes. Good.


Sable kisses her way across Sin's cheek, over her jaw, down her neck, mixing in gentle little bites here and there. Her hand squeezes Sin's ass, pressing her hips forward to grind against Sable's thigh through her clothes. Her other hand cups Sin's cheek, then strokes down her chest and caresses her breast softly.


She stiffens with a sharp intake of breath as Sable's finger brushes her nipple beneath her dress - the sensation is sharp, insistent, bright - and then giggles helplessly. 

Gosh this is really, really a lot. This is so good. This is, like, wow. 

She seems to be having some problems making thoughts. 


Oh good. Trouble forming thoughts is exactly the goal. That means Sable's doing something right.

She notes the gasp she got and thumbs across Hyacinth's nipple again, all while grinding her thigh in harder. Oh, how about she tries stroking the base of Sin's tail?


Oh. Oh wow. 

She giggles more and pulls Sable in more firmly atop her, her hands digging into her back and ass.

The hand on her tail just makes even more warmth coil in her core, and her breath shivers as she smothers another laugh with a kiss against Sable's shoulder. She grins helplessly and lays her head in and hazards a soft bite.

"W-wow..." She breathes against Sable's shoulder and closes her eyes for a moment, focusing for a moment on the hollow ache inside her. That thigh pressing into her is so much.


The groping and especially the bite from Sin manage to pull a brief little hissed gasp from Sable, before she redoubles her efforts, rocking her thigh forward and back, kissing and nipping, caressing warmly.


And Sin finds herself quickly approaching the edge, with nowhere to escape to because she's under Sable. 

"W-whoa," she manages, "Careful, ahahahahahaha, care, ha, ful -" 


She smirks playfully and whispers in Sin's ear. "In here, who says you have to stop at just one?"




Oh she's so fucked.


A heavy burst of nervous laughter spills from her mouth.


... and then a challenging smirk comes to her face. 

"Do your, hee, worst," she says.

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