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Pirates and Evenstar join a VRMMO in the Troubleverse
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Drumming her fingers for a moment, she smiles and continues. "The only kinks that are a hard no for all of us are scat and watersports. If you find a craving for literally anything else, ask.

"Oh, and speaking of hypersexuality, that's actually another reason why we live in VR as much as we do — the more time we spend outside, the worse our libido functions, and that just pisses us off."


"Sounds like the two of us are in for a fun time then. Well, I'll let Hyacinth say some things too. Eventually. I've always wanted to participate in a threesome or moresome or even an orgy, so if we can find a cool kink community here in CORA we've got a golden ticket." 

Hibiscus sighs out. "That said, I would like to go over the plan with you more generally. Hyacinth's too shy to say it directly... Well, she was trying to get around to it. I'll give her some points on that front. She's head over heels for you but also anxious you'll turn out to be Secretly Bad somehow. At the exact same time, she wants you to be the first to kill her in CORA. As a kink scene, obviously. I'll be along for the ride of that too, which sounds like a fun time." She taps her fingers against her arm. "So, like, the actual agenda, give me a second here..."


"I think our first priority has to be securing long-term housing if we really do intend to stay in CORA. I don't want to be dependent on an innkeeper, even one as cool as Jorem, to keep a roof over my head when things get dicey. Been there with the family, don't want to go through that again. Ideally we get a house we actually own. That's a long term goal though. In the intermediate stages probably the smart thing is to find a cool Blessed guild that's up on our situations and lodge with them in a guild hall or similar. That still has issues with people being cool, but I would rather depend on Blessed if I can."


"In the nearer term, I would so love to hypnotize you, or any other member of your system. That's what got me into dommeing, the allure of having someone under my sway. That guided meditation is burning a hole in my pocket and I want to see what you girls are like when you're on the other end of the power balance."


Hailey blushes a bit and wriggles. "For me, we'll have to work up to hypnosis. I have a lot of trust problems, but y'all are sure tempting me to speedrun them. Sable, on the other hand, is a blushy mess and entirely here for that. So's Maya, though more dignified about it."


"As far as the plan, though, I agree that housing is an essential first goal. There will probably be more guilds and more housing options in the bigger cities, so it's a good idea to migrate that way when we can."


"And well. Hyacinth's plan," she finishes, sing-songing playfully a bit, "sounds gorgeous and I would be honored."


Hibiscus nods firmly and smiles. "So yes, Hyacinth wants to make sure not to die until it's time to try it out properly, which is part of why she's a little reluctant to quest. The more monsters we fight, the higher the chance there is of some accident that steals her killginity. As for hypnotizing Sable or Maya, definitely sounds fun. And regarding housing, I agree that heading for a larger city is a sensible plan." 


"As for the fighting humans thing... Hyacinth's got a hangup about fighting things that look like people but aren't. She doesn't want to get used to treating any class of people as disposable, not even bandit NPCs in a VR game. Partly also she's leaning real hard on immersion to cope right now, and from an in-world perspective it makes sense to be reluctant to kill another sentient being. I think she has a point, but also she's definitely thinking about it too hard. Same general problem as the sex pervert thing, fixating on a little detail that doesn't quite fit with how she wants to conduct herself and blowing it all out of proportion to make herself feel like a terrible person." 


Hibiscus checks her vocal notes program which she always has running in the background for times like this when she can't remember what she's said ten minutes ago. 

"Checking my notes program, one sec — don't worry, it only records my side of the conversation — " 


"Yeah, the remainder here are worries about university which can be disregarded for now, and that dangling plot hook. Got any clue as to what the plot hook could mean? Maybe y'all will get your own vision once Sable's put under?"


"One possible angle to line up killginity — that's an adorable word, by the way — for the scene with Hyacinth would be to pick the brain of an experienced adventurer who's died a few times already, if we can find one. Might be worth keeping an eye out during supper. And for the bandits, is it any amount reassuring to Hyacinth that the sentence for banditry in Parcosia is death? We wouldn't be changing what happens to the bandits, just accelerating it."


"I think both those things might help, yes." Hibiscus smiles.


"Okay, then I think we have a plan: watch for an experienced adventurer to ask about the death dream, take Hyacinth's killginity as soon as we're sure that's chill, quest our way toward bigger cities and look for guilds and rentals, or maybe even houses for sale. In the interim, y'all hypnofuck Sable and we see if she gets more detail in a vision of her own to figure out what the fuck is going on with Pagutum, because those assholes are almost certainly up to no good."


"No disagreement from me on any of that."


"That said, um... I can feel that Hyacinth's kind of distressed in the back of my head, probably because of the part where I'm running the show right now. Could you get Sable out here? I have a feeling she's going to need some serious hugging after this."


She nods, blows a kiss to Hibiscus, and then swiftly begins to change.


Sable stretches, her taller frame taking up more of the bed. "Goodness that was quite the conversation. Lots of hugs ready on demand."


"It sure was. Let me just get all nice and snuggled up with you, and then I'll pass back to Sin." 

Hibiscus carefully settles herself against Sable, laying back against her to be cuddled as the little spoon.


Sable squeezes Hibiscus tightly, drapes a wing over her, kisses the top of her head, and nods.


And Hibiscus... fades away.


Hyacinth makes a low unhappy noise, but cuddles into the wing and Sable's soft touch.


Sable strokes Sin's hair tenderly, soft and warm and caring. "Yeah, the first time knowingly being out of front is always a trip, and even more so if a bunch of plans get made at the time. Valid to be a little rattled." She presses kisses up and down the back and top of Sin's head.


"Really wish she hadn't just... swanned in and taken over."

Hyacinth exhales. 

"I love you."


Sable nods and keeps petting Hyacinth gently, fingers scritching softly from the tips of her ears down the back of her scalp and up again.

"Love you too. And that'll be something to talk with her about later."

Her tail wraps  snugly around Hyacinth's waist.

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