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Sunaira's Levels 5-10 Osirion campaign
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Rana comes out a few moments later, her body a little wobbly still. 

"Morning," she manages. 


Kamil wordlessly offers her his waterskin.


Rana takes it and takes a long drink, then offers a nod of thanks.

"Get some sleep," she says.


He nods, and goes off into the camp.


Layla looks around and spots Fahim, a little ways off at the edge of camp. He's actually on watch, will wonders never cease. 

"I'll take it from here," she says, stepping up next to him.


"You and your drunk sister, huh? Alright, far be it for me to question the caravan leader." 

Fahim gives Layla a small wave and goes back off into camp.


Well, that leaves her and Rana on watch for another four hours until camp breaks. 

She might as well take a little time and... pray? Ask the spirits for favors? She's not really sure how this whole cleric thing works.


Rana goes and sits on the sand on the other edge of camp, still nursing Kamil's waterskin. She's in no mood to talk. She's praying too, after a fashion.

Spirits save me from this splitting headache.


Layla watches the sands and medidates as best she can. She doesn't even know what spirit she's a cleric of yet.


If she focuses just right she'll be able to ignore it. She's used to this by now. It takes something from her whenever she does this, but it hasn't killed her yet, so why worry?

She focuses and pushes the hangover away. 

It stays gone. She can feel it off in a corner of her awareness still, but her head's no longer pounding and her body feels limber and light again. 

She stretches, gets up, paces back and forth a little to warm her body in the early-morning cold.


Alright. She's got a watch to get through.


About an hour later, a sense of... something... comes in. A sense of coiled potential. 

She recognizes the shape of one of these blessings. It's shaped the way she makes herself when she needs to go without food for a day or two. 

Another is - it's her sparker trick. 

Has she been blessed all along and not known it? 

She reaches out her hand, makes a spark leap from her hand with the blessing - then repeats it with her own trick. 

It's almost identical. It just feels like it draws from different places. 

No, it's Rana who's magic, not her

She looks up at the stars. 

She can feel it uncoil in her, now, the same way the blessings do. The sense in her that she's always had that says north is that way, the stars are here - 

She's a sorceror. 


- and she supposes so is Rana. 

Suddenly everyone else's insistence that they can't see the stars in the daytime makes a lot more sense.


She prods instinctually at the remaining bundles of blessing. This one feels like it... senses whether someone has good intentions? That's an odd blessing. Another is... A sense of strength for everyone she loves, somehow... and then there is the water-creating power again, and another power that mends broken things...


That seems to be all. 


The one that senses good intentions feels like it's missing something. Some component to channel her faith through...

Clerics carry symbols of their gods, don't they? It feels like that would fit, here. But she doesn't know what spirit has blessed her at all. 

She'll have to go through the charms that the people here at camp have. She knows there's a few in the caravan for good luck and blessings, though few of the caravan actively worship as such. 


If she can repair things with her blessing, maybe she can repair things with her sorceror powers too? 

There's not a lot else to do while she's on watch. She'll try with one of the cloth bags that's looking a little frazzled right now.


Meanwhile on the other side of camp, Rana's coming to similar realizations. The great spirit that's blessed her has given her the same trick that she uses to make alcohol from water, along with a power that lets her detect whether someone's any fun. She can make water, sparks like her sister, make herself more charming, and disguise herself as anyone she wants to... 

She's tried the sparker trick and already gotten it on her own power. When she looks, she can sense where north is too. Now that she looks, has the feeling of it, it's clear that it's her magic holding back her hangover as well.

She needs something to channel her spells through as well. She could rifle through people's belongings for charms while they're asleep, but she'd probably get caught, and she might as well just ask when they wake, even if she is impatient to learn what great spirit's blessed her. And she is supposed to be on watch. 

She goes back to trying to flex her magic. Maybe there's more she can do.


Eventually the camp begins to stir around her. Fayruz and Hayat are first up, since they haven't been on watch. They gather water and start making breakfast, a little slowly since it's so early. 


Next up is Yasmin. She can't go three seconds without a  smile this morning, and she hums to herself as she stirs the cooking pot and prepares the rice.


Munir's up not long after her, and he's distinctly pink this morning. He doesn't seem to be able to look Yasmin in the eye. 


She, meanwhile, can't seem to keep her eyes off him.


As breakfast is perpared, the first watch gets up again: Batul and Niala both come out into the camp. Layla and Rana are relieved from duty, and return to the fire in the center of camp together.


"So," Layla says, grabbing a bowl of onion soup from Fayruz. "It feels to me that I need - some kind of charm or symbol to channel my magic through. Is it the same for you, Rana?"


Rana nods. "It is the same for me. We should collect all the charms in camp and try them all."

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