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Sunaira's Levels 5-10 Osirion campaign
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She cries out in pain and falls. She's not combat experienced; she's as fragile as any civilian. 


Yasmin pulls her dagger and leaps at the gnoll, reckless even of her own life - 

1d20 (14) +1 (Bless) = 15

The dagger just barely sinks home after skittering off the gnoll's sternum. 


Munir is there in a moment, bringing his sword to the defense of his new girlfriend - 

1d20 (14) +1 (Bless) + 2 (Strength) + 2 (BAB) = 20

He gets a clean hit, and the gnoll collapses atop Yasmin. 


"Ohgodohgodgetitoffme -" cries Yasmin as the bloodied body of the gnoll slumps against her - 


Munir shoves the body of the gnoll off her, and then looks up. 


Naila has killed the gnoll lieutenant of the first group, and the remainder have broken. The remaining dozen gnolls are screaming at their brethern, calling them cowards. 

Several people are on the desert sand in pools of blood. 


Batul fought fiercely in the front rank, but took enough blows fighting hand-to-hand that she's collapsed despite the unnatural vitality of combat trained fighters. 

She's been stabbed several times. She's probably dead or dying. 


Kamil is hurt but still fighting. He's just catching his breath right now, okay, he's okay.

The deep wound to his thigh suggests he might not be okay for long. 


Layla is unharmed. Several people sacrificed themselves to make it that way. 


And so too is Rana.


Fayruz is determinedly reloading her crossbow.


So is Fahim. 


Alright, fine. I'll help you this once.


Channel energy. Channel energy. Channel Energy. 

Most first-circle clerics would be out of power at this point, at four channels in a day. Rana is an exception. She still has more than half her strength left. 


Batul pushes herself up off the sand and readies for battle again. 

That is a new low for her.


The wound on Kamil's thigh heals over.


And in the circle of swords, Hayat shakily grasps her dagger and comes up ready to stab a gnoll that isn't there. 


"Go on, then!" Layla calls to the gnoll forces. "Crawl back to your holes! Every wound you deal us heals; every wound we deal you is forever. Give up now or be destroyed!"

Her voice doesn't waver. She puts absolute confidence into it. 

If the gnolls come at them again, they probably lose. No-one has their crossbows loaded, and cleric channels aren't selective. They're lucky to have gotten this opportunity. Naila won't be able to rage again. She has spells, but most of them are useless in a fight.


Fully a quarter of the attacking gnoll force is dead. The tribe will be long in recovering from this battle. 

They stare Layla down, greed and fear warring in their heads. 

At last their leader snarls and makes a turning handsign. 

The gnolls fall back. Cowardice has won out.


Get back there you sniveling cowards - 


Would you die for them? 


Then don't be surprised when they're not willing to die for you.




Tomorrow I'll be ready for you with a full complement of combat spells. 

You lose this one. 


And I'll stand with her, if it's the life of my first cleric since I returned on the line.

This doesn't mean we're friends.


No, it doesn't. But I'm glad to see you at least hate Lamashtu as much as I do.

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