Drizzt Do'Urden in Lifesteal
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"Right now? Probably nooot, just from my knowledge of what he's doing. Offering totems might work but I don't actually have a ton going spare. Honestly, I think he'll probably show up for an interview in, like, a couple days max."


"Waiting a few days will be frustrating," he is getting very intimate knowledge of exactly how long it takes to mine obsidian "but this isn't so urgent."


"Yeahhhh. I'll keep messaging Parrot. We could talk to Poafa, see what the plan for tonight is."


He nods. "And I can see if he follows through on what he says."


"Yeah. He shouuuuld be around fairly soon, we've got pretty similar schedules."


Poafa: is indeed around fairly soon.


He suggests that he take a schematic of the boat and then burn it down, so that he can rebuild it tomorrow or in the future but whoever Medusa is won't be able to turn it to obsidian; Roshambo is particularly reluctant, but eventually everyone (Mapicc, Roshambo, Planetlord, and Subz) agrees. At one point he shows a screenshot his obsidian placed count to Planet and Mapicc, who both confirm that it's in the low hundreds--not even close to enough to be Medusa. He agrees to do another 10-hour overnight watch, just in case. He joins in with joking when everyone else is, but when talking about Medusa, he's probably the most audibly tired and frustrated of everyone.


It seems less likely to be Poafa, considering the low obsidian count, though he's reserving judgement. Parrot is looking more likely. 

(Or maybe Subz.)

He's still going to join him on watch tonight. 


10 hours later, the sun is rising, the boat has not reappeared, nothing has turned to obsidian, and Medusa--whoever they are--has not shown their face. Nothing particularly suspicious happened overnight. Poafa says goodbye to Drizzt and leaves spawn to head back to his base.


(Elsewhere, Mapicc and Roshambo debate the merits of using an invis to check if Drizzt is still watching spawn. The situation, they both agree, is very bad. They eventually agree to risk it--cover story if anyone sees particles is that they wanted to check if Poafa returned to spawn in secret or if anyone else was at spawn who might be suspicious. Roshambo heads, invisibly, an inventory full of potions, towards spawn, to see if Drizzt is still keeping his watch or if he abandoned it once Poafa left.)


While he technically does have better things to do-- pay back Subz, get actual equipment, get shelter that isn't a tree, investigate the ?lich? problem-- patrolling is something he's good at. 

He's still at spawn.


ShitOkay. Roshambo knows when he's beat; assuming Drizzt doesn't notice anything, he heads back to Mapicc.


On the one hand, this was always sort of the plan; if Medusa only works when Poafa's standing guard, this doesn't exactly make Poafa look innocent.

On the other hand, if Drizzt starts doing this more often, they won't be able to do this at all.

And on the third hand, which Roshambo also has, Poafa has already been mostly-cleared by his obsidian count. He and Mapicc have half a plan there, but it's... not a solid one, not something they can pull off yet, and so making Poafa look marginally more suspicious... doesn't actually do much, at this moment. People could so easily start suspecting. According to Mapicc, Poafa already has, and now he's spent the night with Drizzt.


Drizzt leaves mid morning to Be more comfortable in the dark be productive and mine.


Team Awesome don't know when Drizzt leaves, and besides, Mapicc wasn't lying about having the same schedule as Poafa; they don't return to spawn until the afternoon, and exclaim happily over the fact that the boat hasn't been turned to obsidian. 


Also in the afternoon: someone who Drizzt hasn't met is building a new building. It is distinctly not obsidian: it's red with white and blue accents and a checkerboard floor. The person building it also builds a large floating sign pointing to it, reading IHOB ⬇️.


Drizzt returns to spawn late afternoon on his own two feet,  as opposed to dying, a reasonable amount of iron and coal richer.

It's nice to see a new, non-obsidian building.


Mapicc waves to him. "Hey. How was the watch?"


"Nothing suspicious happened."


"That's good. --Parrot finally got back to us, he can only do a call but you can join for that if you want."


"It  would be good to hear from him."


Then the three of them--Mapicc, Drizzt, and Ro--can call Parrot.




"Parrot," Roshambo says in his silly voice. "Have you heard of someone named Medusa."


"...No? Other than that you think it's related to me somehow."


"Have you been to spawn recently."




"A player has been changing buildings at spawn to obsidian and we're trying to catch them. You've been online on most of the nights that this has happened, you don't have any alibi, and you've been avoiding us."


"Roshambo, bro, I expect this from Mapicc, but you know what I've been doing."

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