Setting: Golarion
Characters Tagged: Golarion
Name Template Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast User
Worm The paint is hope and promise þeremin (Sgian)
Xènia only-one-of-her Soon
Yvane Richten death on the gods of death eastern-underlich Aevylmar
Zahra Bellevoix Clara Cneph art-begat-the-artist TheBiggerFish
Zara Verita Tallandria Ves heaven-blooded Maisie Williams apprenticebard
Zenobia break-my-chains miniBill
Zon-Kuthon foul-is-fair Iarwain
Zon-Kuthon God of Golarion the-art-of-pain danarmak
Zythren veils-upon-veils Minus
Ипатий Сигачёв The paint is hope and promise þeremin (Sgian)
Михаил Червяков The paint is hope and promise þeremin (Sgian)
Николай Сигачёв The paint is hope and promise þeremin (Sgian)
𓇿𓉔𓃭𓈎 Azem godly_rogue Lucien Laviscount red
Total: 363