Setting: Golarion
Characters Tagged: Golarion
Name Template Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast User
??? gonna-be-a-star Aevylmar
Abadar God of Golarion though-the-heavens-fall danarmak
Abadar Abadar Iarwain
Abaddon Countries desolation Minus
Abaddon death-to-values ilzolende
Abrogail Abrogails because-of-being-broken Iarwain
Abrogail Abrogails not-queen Iarwain
Abrogail Abrogails to-rein-in-Cheliax Iarwain
Abrogail Thrune II Sing by the light here at nightfall to-rain-on-your-parade-in-cheliax danarmak
Abyss chaotic_evil Alicorn
Abyss ilzolende
A̶e̶g̶i̶s̶ "Clockblocker" The paint is hope and promise þeremin (Sgian)
Aeon perfectly-balanced Frgm
Agnipankha Asalela Nyaya Ti Ciraku Fire-Winged Justice of the Land of Justice! All Hail! fire-winged-justice Aevylmar
Ahmose reach-exceeding-grasp danarmak
Aivu lets-play-cry-havoc danarmak
Aivu apprenticebard
Akkakarasot the-devil's-work Iarwain
Alabaster The paint is hope and promise þeremin (Sgian)
Albe your-heart's-desire Iarwain
Alec Querault Sing by the light here at nightfall þeremin (Sgian)
Alexandre Esquerra Tyrant Chelish Sandor a-naked-sword Aevylmar
Alexandre Esquerra Tyrant Chelish Sandor hate-and-fear Aevylmar
Alexandre Esquerra Tyrant Chelish Sandor king-in-irons Aevylmar
Andoran Golarion Locations land-of-the-free Aevylmar
Total: 357