Setting: Descendants
Characters Tagged: Descendants
Name Template Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast User
Carrie Imrainai like-always Naomi Scott apprenticebard
Fairy Godmother Fairy Godmother bibbidi-bobbidi-boo westwind
Greta Legian Neva
Harry Hook Harry Hook first-mate westwind
Harry Hook Zevran shes-my-number-one Thomas Doherty Tabs
Hilda of the Southern Isles Earans-Hería Neva
Jay son of Jafar α Cat not-friends Booboo Stewart Kaylin
Li Chen 2. Marlo polished-perturbation Kim Bum sphinx
Lisabet Legian's henchdescendant Neva
Lius Frollo Earans-Laeres common-crowd Neva
Lonnie Li fights-good sphinx
Mal α Raven heart-aside Felicity Jones Kaylin
Prince Asher Asher je-t'adore westwind
Sasha Nobodyson 2. Sasha not-a-footprint Ezra Miller sphinx
Stephen Zahariel Hugo Z hellfire-and-damnation root
Tetley Tetley actually-really-amazing westwind
Uma Wildling whats-my-name China Anne McClain Tabs