Setting: Goodcheer
Owner Jarn

Proper society knows to stay away from the Corn God. His devotees try to invite him in. They eat his flesh and drink his blood.

The worthy are rewarded by becoming Goodcheers. Part of the Order of Good Cheer, they have powers relating to the weather and hunger and they use dead bodies as vessels for the Corn God to grow in. They have corn-related vegetation peeking out from under their fingernails and eyes. Goodcheers must always inspire joy in others. They must never mince words. They must never withhold food from those who need it.

The unlucky are punished by becoming Husks. They have been hollowed out by the Corn God and no longer contain people. They only contain him. This frequently happens to children who are inducted too early, or adults who are too self-centered to accept the Corn God without losing themselves.

But there is something that ties this all together: The Farmer's Almanac