Setting: The Flooded City
Characters Tagged: The Flooded City
Name Template Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast User
Ash the flooded city cast heroes-in-the-seaweed Jadyn Rylee Swimmer963
Michael "Crazy Mi" Anderson the flooded city cast tea-and-oranges Bjorn Andreson Swimmer963
Pan the flooded city cast wisdom-like-a-stone esme creed-miles Swimmer963
Raf the flooded city cast to-travel-blind Daniil Kalinin Swimmer963
Sig the flooded city cast garbage-and-flowers Kathleen Galvao Swimmer963
Tor the flooded city cast only-drowning-men DeAndre Arnold Swimmer963
Virginia Templeton the flooded city cast lean-that-way-forever Mame Bineta Sane Swimmer963