Lorxus's Frost-Rimed Packet of Hiatused Fics

Cold storage for fics that Lorxus hopes dearly might (and would genuinely pay to cause to) one day start updating again.


The ones that look likely to ever update again. Updated as of 2023-11. I remove these (and add new ones) as needed.

Has Warnings seven stirs clockwise, one stir counter [1 2 3 ... 19 20 21] Sandboxes 524 by TheBiggerFish
An interesting look at "what if Snape were trans and that was fine, actually?"
Hard-Frozen Treats of Greatest Longing

I would probably legitimately cheerfully pay the authors one Favor (collectively; I can get around to making change) to have any of these completed at roughly concordant levels of quality and adequate length.

Hiatused Has Warnings but they make many clever things Gloaming 16 by Rotifer
Ktkplanet fic
Hiatused Has Warnings the clamor of peace [1 2 3 4] Anhydrobiosis Immanent World 93 by Rotifer
Ktkplanet fic
Hiatused negative india internal plexus Sandboxes 12 by tetraspace
Euclidean geometry really is near-useless for architecture, isn't it?
Hiatused Has Warnings to face the death you're never that far from [1 2 3 ... 104 105 106] Sandboxes 2626 by Swimmer963
dath ilani medical drama. notably no Iarwain. maybe my most longed-for fic in this whole list.
Hiatused Has Warnings remember wishcoins? [1 2 3 ... 6 7 8] Anhydrobiosis Immanent World 176 by Rotifer
What if masochists encountered pain-driven magic and decided to end death?
Miscellaneous Deep-Freeze

For long-hiatused fics that don't fit either of the other two categories.

Hiatused summoned hero best foster mom [1 2 3] Sandboxes 56 by Iarwain
Not all problems are best solved by a clever man with a magical sword.
Hiatused take it apart and put it together again [1 2 3 ... 47 48 49] Sandboxes 1222 by Iarwain
Has sadly crashed due to the screaming existential horror of awakening the entirety of Stardew Valley into sapience.
Hiatused Has Warnings a thematic math hello [1 2 3 ... 17 18 19] Sandboxes 467 by Swimmer963
A dath ilani EMT finds herself in Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation.