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"Not yet, we only got transit two months ago. But we're the only people who can go to Calado, so..."


"Why's that?"


"Indestructible. Ah, the interstellar consortium is concerned that any incidents between Calador citizens and tourists might be difficult to diplomatically resolve given the current state of relations. But we can't be injured, so if we want to take our chances, that's all right."


"I see."

She goes to her poker night.

The Ambaróna private channel requests a representative at thus and such an address.


Vanda Nossëo does a little bit of reading on the person who made this request.



He teleports on over.


The face is recognizable. "Your grace," says the dove-grey tourist.


"It's a pleasure to meet you, ah -"


"Mikyoro," she says.


"What can I do for you?"


"I'm curious about Vanda Nossëo's plans for Calado."


"We have been trying to reach out to them about an agreement under which we'd help them restrict emigration to a level that matched population growth without controls and they would accordingly end controls and permit external humanitarian organizations to provide services. I do not see any prospects of such an agreement being reached with the current government, and we've struggled to find candidates for office who might support negotiating towards an agreement, though I do think they'd win an election if the public, uh, believed them."




"Absent prospects of some kind of agreement we will probably notify the Calador government in a few months that we have no plans to continue to enforce restrictions against travel into Calado by private citizens of Vanda Nossëo or allied organizations."


"With what implications?"


"I anticipate that many people in Calado might privately arrange contracts with teleporters to depart for elsewhere, and that many teleporters might offer those services cheaply or free on the principle that everyone ought to have the right to vote with their feet - or the less noble principle that your senators are really annoying."


"Leaving anyone who can't or won't leave to... what, starve?"


"Typically we would try to counterbalance mass emigration with a mixture of immigration and automation."


"No one wants to move to Calado."


"We've noticed. There are a lot of bored Limboites, we might be able to pay them a lot of money to do it. - it's not a very good solution. But the courts consistently oppose overthrowing governments for mere incompetence, because of the precedent it sets, and my understanding is that while there is a coalition of Amentan nations in favor, it's not a very strong one and non-Amentans find the idea of authorizing a war very hard to countenance."


"What about a coup?"


"We would recognize a Calador government and open relations with them should they demonstrate that they are in fact in a position of setting law and policy. A civil war is an outcome we're very motivated to avoid, and we would consider providing resources that would make it less likely that an attempted coup would result in protracted conflict."


She plucks a pistachio out of a bowl and shells it thoughtfully. "Such as?"


"I think we would want to be satisfied that a prospective government had a reasonable plan for how they'd govern and a plan to get there, at which point we could provide resources including demon-aided forensics, magical backup like that which was employed in the Yvaltan secession..."


"What's your trouble with finding candidates for office?"


"It seems that blues over twenty are either very invested in the current system or have no interest in politics at all."

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