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He smiles a little sideways. "Hold a vote."


Dove-grey tourist, who is a high-ranking general in the Calador army, gets an email. The email says that they looked further into blues with political interests compatible with greater cooperation and the problem with people over twenty is persistent but they had a productive conversation with so-and-so, who regrettably won't be 20 for a while.

And that if it'd be useful to have nonlethal weapons and medics on standby Vanda Nossëo has a lot of both.


They'd love some nonlethal weapons and a few medics.


Healers. Andalite shredders. 

Almost all of these weapons have one nonlethal setting. There are a few with seven settings; the top six are lethal, but also useful for cutting through steel, etc. 


And a week later the overwhelming majority of the Calador military rises up and gently deposes the Senate. Sondayo Insho, surrounded by uniformed greys, is installed as emergency President, and calls for an immediate vote on Vanda Nossëo membership.


you okay dude

I'm not sure my brother is ever gonna come back to reality but we're all right
replies the mugger.

sorry :( this seems better than everyone leaving


are people going to vote or do they still feel like voting is bullshit

it's not weighted, I might vote. Adro's gonna

good for him

then you can come visit if you wanna check our our shit country

I dunno who this president guy is. some insho, but loads of blues are inshos, I never heard of him

watching the press conference it seemed more like your soldiers picked a blue who would do what he was told than like a blue got the generals to hold a coup

yeah he doesn't have military connections or anything

would people be upset if they just had a grey up there calling for a vote

yeah like at least the blue went to blue school and shit?

i guess

well if you're a member then i can maybe apply to work your shuttle route

I promise not to mug your passengers this time

yeah good idea they would arrest you for real

also like now I know you and it would be weird.

i would be pretty upset yeah 

i've been assuming it was because you needed money for Adro so

and me and my brother, we aren't adorable moppets but we gotta eat

and sometimes if he runs out of nail polish or whatever idiot thing it's just easier to get him more than to not that

yeah i mean like

for reasons that could be fixed by just giving you all enough money to live off

though it would have been really bad if you went to jail, are the police just that unlikely to catch people

they did catch me, they just let me off. it would have been bad if they hadn't but it would also have been bad if I didn't have any money you know

i think vn says online that you can always ask them for food if you're hungry but i suppose that seems about as plausible as 'we all love our senators and stick to two kids voluntarily'

and like at some point they'd ask "and why do you need all this nail polish" and I don't want to get into that shit with an orangealien
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