Azry encounters Blaze
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She smiles back at Zevran, and offers a shy wave. "I- yes, thank you, sir."


"Good! I've got some jerky here, not much for breakfast, I know, but luckily we've only got two days of rubbish food before we get to see what dwarves eat."

Alistair hands her a strip of dried meat. "I don't suppose you have any idea what they eat?"


"Thank you," she says as she accepts the jerky, doesn't say it's still better than what she's eaten before. "I- no. I didn't much study dwarves. I'm sorry, sir."


Alistair shrugs. "Yeah, me neither. Like I met some, living in Redcliffe, but they were always traders and surface dwarves eat like us, and if they came from Orzammar, they don't like talking about it. No one has any time for curious, ten year olds anymore!" He pouts.


She gives a nervous laugh, and continues eating.


Alistair smirks. "Look at you wolf that thing down. If we had a house, I imagine you would've eaten us out of it!" He laughs, turning big bright eyes on Blaze.


She goes very still and then-

"I- I can earn it, sir? I- I'll make you feel very good. I'm good at that-"

She shifts towards him, eyes hopeless.


The change in mood was so abrupt, Alistair forgot how to speak for a moment.

He laughs awkwardly. "...ah...isn't magic not supposed to...alter my feelings? I'm not an expert, but I would consider anything Morrigan does probably not...right..." He is totally lost.


"I mean physically, sir-"


She stops talking abruptly, because-

She promised Zevran she wouldn't do this.

"I- I have to-" she gestures vaguely, doesn't wait for permission, and jolts away, searching for Zevran.


"Physically?" Alistair's jaw drops. "Why- I would never- not that you aren't- but-"

He cuts himself off, blushing furiously from both the implication, and just being plain furious at the very idea that Blaze would think she would have to-

Azry needs to hear about this.


Zevran is rolling up his belongings to stow in his pack, already dressed in armour. He did not see what happened between her and Alistair.


"I'm sorry!" she blurts. "I'm sorry! I forgot! And I- I tried to- I'm sorry! Please, I forgot."


"Woah, Blaze, it's okay, what- What are you-" He sees Alistair's look. It echoes his own from last night. 

He gathers Blaze close, hugging her fiercely. "You'll learn not to, I promise," he murmurs into her hair.


She clings to him, shaking and sobbing. "He said I was eating too much, and I-"


"Alistair? Alistair said that? Tall? Human? Terrible sense of humour?" 

He pulls away from Blaze to take her face in his hands, gently coaxing her to look at him. "What exactly did he say?"


She's trembling under his touch. "I-, um, he said that- that if we had a house, he, he would imagine that I would've eaten us out of it."


Zevran's face falls, and cold clutches his heart. "Bambina, he didn't mean anything by that. He has a terrible sense of humour. He is happy you are eating so much!"

Zevran tucks her back into his arms, rocking her gently. "Next time he says something like that, tell Azry. She'll punch him. He said that it was good she got a lot of exercise once and she's never let him live it down."


"-oh. I- I'm sorry."

She feels a little foolish for reacting so strongly to that now, but-

"I hadn't- no-one's ever-."


"I know." 

She doesn't have to explain. It took Zevran years to find his own sense of humour, his light-heartedness.


On the other side of camp, Wynne, Alistair and Azry are in conversation. Wynne looks heartbroken, Alistair guilty and Azry furious.


"Would you like an apology from Alistair? Would that make you feel better?"


"-I don't- it wasn't- him?"


"It wasn't you, either."


"-but I misunderstood?"

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