Felix in Beacon Hills post season 3A
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That seems to be that.

He probably doesn't want a hug. 


"Was that a dismissal? Also, how about a hug?"


"You too, huh? Felix was pretty huggy, I'm kind of all hugged out. Thanks anyway."


He snorts. "Yeah, I am weird for wanting to hug the cute boy."



Yeah, that's a hug.  


He can't say he didn't needed that.

"Uh... Felix and I care about you, you know?"


"That's nice. So what are you doing today?"


Shrug. "No idea. Besides picking a name. I am tempted to go with 'Trevor', a skymage worlds war II hero."


"I don't think I ever got a history lesson. Skymage world wars were, uh, just skymages?"


"Sorry, I meant he was a skymage war hero that fought during the second worlds war. Plural worlds, because we refer to the combination of our Earth and the multiple pocket dimensions as worlds."


"Why that one? What did he do?"


"Oh a bunch of stuff, but the relevant thing was a battle where he skill and tactics are so great that his opponents assumed there were three greater-lighting skymages around instead of just him. I think he helped liberate a couple of occupied towns too."


"Aspirational. I'd probably go with a scientist over a war hero, but that's pretty cool."


Scott goes home, talks to his mom, and retires to his room.

He makes a few portals for Felix.

How are you doing?



Scott? Is everyone alright?

I am fine. What happened?


I'm okay.

Stiles disappeared. He was sleepwalking. We don't know yet what's going on. He's going to be in the hospital until we figure it out.

There's someone who looks like you, remembers being you, no name yet. Apparently you were trying to do something and he happened instead. 




Is he okay?

Then the first part of the message is erased and is written as. Are they okay?


Stiles is stressed. Your, uh, twin or clone seemed okay. I think he's with Sky now.



Okay. Tell him he can have our my family last name.

Is the clone really okay? I didn't


I can talk to him, if you want.

He seemed alright, so I thought he and Sky could keep each other company. They're not as close to the whole thing.


Please do.


I can't believe I was so foolish and created life


He seems okay. I think you should just talk to him, ask him what he wants from you.


I can't. Unless he is a dreamshaper too? Is he? Is he a skymage?


I think so. He- I was kind of distracted, but he offered to help. He flew to us, and he made some sparks, to show that he had firepower, if we needed it. We didn't, but I'm glad he offered.


Okay. That is good.

Take care of him, if you can?

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