Fairy Revan in the Wormverse
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Morgan smiles. "I do get the impression that tripping over the Protectorate and skirting the edge of illegal regularly trying to salvage all parahumans that can be salvaged is quite untenable."


"Indeed," be says, wryly.


"Now, what's the ruling on foreign powers sending parahumans to the Birdcage?"


"...somewhat complicated. The Birdcage is an international facility, and most countries have laws and agreements about sending people there. When such is not in place, parahumans are treated on a case by case basis."


"So it is not 'Morgan's personal jail when she becomes a warlord' but neither is it completely off-limits. That's about what I expected."


"We do prefer reserving it for the most dangerous or impossible to contain."


"I was not planning to treat it as anything but."




"Do you have unofficial recommendations for which currently-in-chaos place I should go be a warlord at? Africa's got the natural resources and more general freedom, but Japan was more accustomed to high technology before its fall."


"I'm afraid you're on your own there."


Nod. "Well, thanks anyway."


He nods, and stands up. "I should debrief with the rest of the team. They're pretty sure you know more about Glam's power and have just told me all about it." Pause. "Do you?"


"I have some suspicions," she says. She will not lie to Legend's face. "But I think if I told you how I think it works, they'd never trust me again and I'd lose them entirely."


Legend sighs. "We've gone through so many suspicions we don't even know what to suspect anymore. But I understand. Good luck with them."


"Thank you. For the luck, and the trust. I'll try to live up to it."


Another nod, and he leads her out.

Out she goes!

Everything's cleaned up and she doesn't need to stick around anymore - she finds a place to charge her phone (again) and then picks out a building to perch on and browse the internet.

First off: Glam said that everything was being recorded and put on the internet. Where is it, and what's the reaction to it?

It's on that new video website, YouTube, with a link back to it on the Parahumans Online Forums. It's not the first time Glam has done this, apparently, and also apparently the only unusual thing about their thirst for fame relative to many other villains is that they actually edit and upload the videos themself.

There's much speculation about what their power actually is. Some people are beginning to suspect another Eidolon, though for now they are mostly labeled tinfoil hats. Glam also edited out much of the conversation, so what Morgan might or might not have said is also target of speculation.

And Glam themself has a verified account which they use to be cryptic and mysterious at the expense of forum goers.

Mhm. That might mean that she touched on something important, or it might mean it was bad for the video to hear her talk so much. Oh well.

She messages Glam.

We can also talk here if you'd rather.

A few minutes later someone's calling her.

She answers!

"Hello," she says.



"Sooo, how are you?"


"Alright. Bit bummed out that you undecorated the place."


"It was hilarious," she admits, "but the Protectorate are not the right targets for looking ridiculous."

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