An extremely reluctant farmer picks up a hoe
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Looks a bit young, now that he's casting that eye at her.  Maybe it's just the darkness and cellphone-light; she didn't look that young in the tavern.

Well, it's not like he'd rather starve than fuck her, and probably handing over the daffodil isn't quite that irrevocable.


He hands over the daffodil.  "Thanks for not making me guess what you're thinking.  I mean, I suppose I did have to do some inference, but not a lot.  I appreciate that."


"Oh wow! Thank you! I'm feeling a positive energy from this gift!" Emily beams.


Emily drops nine fish tacos on the ground in a neat stack, and the remaining taco into the shipping crate.

"Phew! It is nice to be done with those! They're pretty gross if you ask me. I get why you had to get an expensive item, but, blech."


"I'm not sure of anything, but I'm sure that after we put them in the crate they never get seen again or eaten by anyone."

He picks up the nine tacos, and puts them in the crate.

"Thank you, Emily.  May whats-its-name look favorably on our efforts... do you think a prayer would help?"


"A prayer never hurts!"

"Oh Yoba, please bring these fish back to a great big pond in the sky full of... whatever fish like. Even slimy creatures deserve happiness! Even ones that have been cooked already!"


"Yoba.  Please let all things placed within this crate, by whoever's hands, turn into money.  May it be your will that I live happily in this place, attain all my desires, and return in time to Earth with powers beyond Earthly imagination to fix all of Earth's problems and maybe personally rule Australia.  And if I dreamed of explanations or useful secrets, this night, it would not go amiss."


"Yahoodley hoo, oh Yoba."


"Yahoodley... hoo, oh Yoba."


The stars are out, around him and Emily.  He hasn't spent a lot of time looking into the night sky, but he knows some constellations.

Does he still appear to be in the Milky Way, so far as he can tell?


It would be easier to see the sky clearly without that torch, er, cell phone.


Then he'll turn off the cellphone, if lighting your cellphone makes it impossible to see the stars, in this place.


With the torch extinguished and Emily's Yoba totem put back away, it is very dark. Many stars are visible. And yes, there is a faint, milky band across the sky.




Well, you're not going to see the Big Dipper down here, if that's what you're looking for, Kansas City boy. Do you know any southern hemisphere constellations?


He has lived in Zuzu City for quite a while.  He got to Pelican Town by bus, not airplane.


Zuzu City never really gets completely dark though, does it? And did you ever bother to look up and marvel at the night sky, in your previous life?


Not enough, and he hasn't spent nearly enough time looking at a proper night sky far from cities.

But even in Zuzu City you can see the Southern Cross.


Oh look, perhaps Oliver and Stardew Valley have found a crux.


Well, the constellation also called the Crux is still there.  It says something, maybe, about where he appears to be.  Maybe not all that much about where he is.

How long did it take night to fall, by the way, since it was twilight when he left the tavern?  Gradual or instant?


The hell do you mean, 'ish'.


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