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Pirates and Evenstar join a VRMMO in the Troubleverse
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Hailey pops the two DM conversations into externally visible windows and slides them over where Hibiscus can see them. "Thoughts? Not committed to a hard timeframe with either."


"Let me ask Hyacinth, I don't want to trample on her here."


Hyacinth comes forward. 

"Probably we go to Cordova to interview with Gay Blades... that sounds stressful though... I kind of really want to talk with Amaranthine and learn more about being plural from a second system... But that's something I can do safely from here."

Hyacinth frowns. "Do you mind if I message Amaranthine?"


"Lemme ask her."

Hey, mind if we pass your handle to the girlfriend system so Hya can message you?


Not at all, but I can't message a ton right now. I've got to sleep.

I'll head vaguely your direction in the morning and we'll sort out a place to meet in a week or two, if that works for you.


Makes sense. 

"They said yeah, but they're going to bed soon."

She shows Hyacinth the chat and passes Amaranthine's contact address over.



Hyacinth looks at Hailey and visibly supresses the urge to flop against her. 

"You're good. That was... a good one thing. I think that's all for now."



Hailey notices the suppressed urge, looks thoughtfully at Hyacinth for a moment, and then takes a few slow, deliberate breaths.


Then she pulls Hyacinth in to lean against her.


Her expression turns shocked, her breath catches in her throat.


Her breathing is shallower now, tighter, but she keeps forcing it deliberately slowly, and holds Hyacinth close.


Hyacinth very carefully leans in, and doesn't reach to hold Hailey, but a soft small smile spreads across her face.


Gradually she untenses her shoulders and wraps a wing around behind Hyacinth.

She slows and evens her breathing still further.




"Care 'bout you, dork."


"... Thank you, Hailey."

Hyacinth looks away and blushes a little.

"You're really good."


Hailey blushes a bit and huffs and looks away and keeps squeezing Hyacinth.


"... you don't have to keep squeezing me. It's okay."


"Maybe I don't." She exhales softly. Inhales slowly. "Maybe I like pushing myself." More slow breath. "Maybe I just want to speedrun my touch trauma with you. For reasons."


"Please don't hurt yourself for my sake, Hailey..."


"It's for lots of reasons." Another couple breaths. "A big one is that," a couple more, "being like this pisses me off."

And then finally she gives up and scoots away and thunks her head onto the kitchen table, gradually steadying her breathing.

"Woo. Progress."


Hyacinth gives Hailey a small smile. 

"Yeah," she says gently. "Progress."


She grabs Hyacinth's hand, kisses the back of it with a tired smile, then switches out.


Sable squeezes Sin close. "Goodness. That's the most she's tried to speedrun for someone since..."


"Well, in quite a while."


Hyacinth smiles, and runs the fingers of her other hand where Hailey kissed her, willing the trace of her lips to stay. 

"... so, what now? We've still got most of the afternoon and evening..."


"Good question. We could casually watch some more of Ishaza's stream, or other interesting-looking CORA streamers. We could try meditation to see if either of us gets a vision rather than fucking. You could hang out with one of the other Pirates. Um... Oh, we could explore the other hallway and see what's up in the rest of the house, too."

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