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Pirates and Evenstar join a VRMMO in the Troubleverse
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"Okay, um, good."

Hyacinth hangs her head. "Sorry. I — should've expected that."


She strokes a fingertip across Sin's forehead, brushing hair out of her eyes. A faintly blushy grin stretches across her face. "She did warn you that I'd be back before long."


Hyacinth giggles a little to herself. 

"Um... could you kiss me?"


Hailey cocks an eyebrow down at Hyacinth, then leans down after a moment, pressing a light kiss to her lips.


Hyacinth kisses back softly. 

"Okay," she says. "I just — didn't want to be surprised. I think I'm okay to start, as long as — safeword is okay, right?"


"Definitely. Traffic light system work for you? Red for stop, yellow for slow down be careful, green for hell the fuck yes?"


"I was just about to suggest that, actually." She grins. "Okay!"


She strokes her fingers along Sin's cheek playfully, then down her neck to her collarbone, then trails her fingers under the neckline of her dress.

"Then you should take these things off, or unequip them. As hot as it would be to cut it off of you, we don't own enough outfits for that yet."


Hyacinth leans into Hailey's fingers.

"Alas, the curse of simulation." 

She unequips her dress, and a moment later her underclothes. 


And a moment later, Hailey's follow. Her build is a bit closer to Sin's own, and definitely on the petite side. She pins Hyacinth's arms to the bed on either side, leans down, and kisses her fiercely.


Hyacinth blushes and kisses back, her breath hastening a little.


She breaks the kiss, nipping Sin's lip teasingly as she pulls away, and spreads her wings, carefully pressing each hand down with a wingtip.

She smirks down at Sin and caresses her cheek. "And now my hands are free, while you're still helpless." Her other hand slides down the foxgirl's neck, then further, caressing the gentle curve of her breast.


Hyacinth trembles at the trailing touches, her face going very red. She can't even hide it with both her hands pinned. 


No, she can't hide it at all, and that's just how Hailey likes it.

Her fingertips find Sin's nipples, teasing little strokes around the areolas, flicking softly across the sensitive nubs.


Hyacinth exhales hard, and her thighs and arms tense and relax.

"... oh wow," she breathes.


Hailey's grin widens at how affected Sin is, and then she pinches Sin's nipples.


Hyacinth tenses and exhales. "That's... a lot..." She sighs and clenches her toes. "It's different when I can't even escape it..."


"Yeah, that definitely intensifies things," she agrees. Her tail wraps around her waist, then slips down between her legs to brush briefly against her own cunt before continuing to tease the tip of the spade along Sin's folds. Her fingers go back to lightly circling around Sin's nipples. "Such a pretty little fox, and so vulnerable."


Hyacinth lets out a soft gasp as Hailey's tail nestles into the cleft between her legs, and her hips roll instinctually against its spade tip as she bites her lip. 



"Sweet, little Hyacinth," Hailey purrs. She pinches Sin's nipples again, just as her tail presses a little firmer against her sex.


Hyacinth eeps again. 

"... Look... looks like.. you've got me..."

She turns her head to the side but can't conceal her bitten lip. 


"I do." Her voice is a smug purr. She lifts up her left hand, and then with a little flourish, a knife appears from her inventory, held delicately between her fingertips. She twirls it slowly in her fingers, letting Sin get a good look. Her tail teases higher along Sin's folds, the tip swirling around her clit in little circles.


Hyacinth's gaze doesn't part from the knife, but if anything she looks more aroused. 

"... I am so, so doomed."


Hailey grins wickedly down at her. She presses the flat of the blade against Sin's right breast, the tip resting just atop her nipple, and pinches Sin's left nipple and flicks her tail tip across Sin's clit at the same time. She leans slowly down and murmurs, "You really are."

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