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"Somebody was very particular about their paint job." says Rose.

"And also had access to high-tech stuff!" says Jade.

John scoops up name tags.


"Have fun, I think we'd appreciate it if you picked one of the opposite wings instead of the one right next door."


"Sure!" says John.

"Yeah, whatever." says Dave.

They leave.


Back in the library Riley finishes her current set of reading and goes to find Anna.


She looks up from a book, "Yes?"


"This place has gene therapy way beyond anything on Earth. I'm not really sure what to make of that. Gene therapy is exciting, but it's also one of those things that's hardest to use safely."


"True on both counts. It's definitely something to be extremely careful with."


"I'm also trying to tease all of the implications out but I think I could change someone's entire genome. I'm not sure what that would do to them though."


"That's....kind of terrifying."


"Yeah... It is."


"On the other hand, that level of power could save a lot of lives, and improve a lot more. It's just...really really dangerous if it's used carelessly."


"Yeah, I was vaguely thinking about it in the context of various heritable diseases. I wonder if it would be safer to make someone a chimera, just fix the genome in relevant organs."


"Maybe. Probably worth looking into."


"It is, there's so much to look into, it's hard to prioritize."


"Well, a lot depends on whether we are stuck here for some time. If we can't get home quickly we might want to focus on what would be immediately useful, and I'd expect injuries to come up before serious illnesses. Unless somebody has health problems we don't know about. We should maybe get a scan of everyone, just in case."


"Yeah, that makes sense. I um, you probably saw that I was thinking about testing it, but the encyclopedia claims the clinic can regrow missing or damaged parts of the body."


"I..did see that. I um do not really think that's a good idea."


"Perhaps not. It would be unwise to test but I want to actually see the tech doing things. It isn't quite the same just to read about them."


"it would be interesting to watch. But not worth the risk."


Riley nods. "Yeah... we can handle things as they come."


"That's all we can do right now."


"So, pick up anything from those books you're reading?"


"I've only skimmed them so far. It looks like they're bit more detailed than what's in the course textbooks and the pictures are a lot nicer, but I haven't read closely yet."


"Makes sense. I also checked again. We can definitely do IUD installs. It can also check their status. My physical included a note that mine is in good condition, though it recommended I consider replacing it with a more advanced model."


"And what kind of advanced models are available?"

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