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"Apparently the model that it will install halts your menstrual cycle entirely."


"That sounds lovely."


"It does, I'm seriously considering trying it out. It's definitely one of those things where it might be nice to have privacy barriers though."


"Yeah. Though we can legitimately keep the number of people in the clinic down to a minimum. And use sheets."


"Yeah, that'll have to do, especially since the main interface is verbal anyways. I'm not sure how many procedures work with sheets. Diagnostics yes, actual procedures tend to require at least partial nudity. I suppose it depends on the procedure though."


"Even partial covering with a sheet is better than none."


"Yeah, I have to figure out what allowances the interface will put up with. The rule is that any physical interfaces, which means anything that needs to touch you, must have unobstructed access to and range of motion around the affected areas. I think we can find a way to make that compatible with modesty for most procedures."


"People have to get undressed for medical procedures all the time. We'll manage. But it's better to make things as comfortable as possible."


"Agreed. I do wonder if it might be easier in the long run to pivot society to be more comfortable with nudity, if we're trapped here I mean, but I'm not quite that comfortable just yet.


"I don't know how you'd go about doing that really. And we've got a lot to adjust to already."


"Yeah, anyway, it's starting to get later in the day. Do you want to get dinner? Maybe get everyone together and discuss future plans over dinner?"


"That sounds like a plan to me. We should also bring Alex and the others up to date on the telepathy thing, I don't think anyone has done that yet."


"Right, we forgot about that."


"Yeah. Anyway, do you want to set up dinner while I go find everyone, or would you prefer to go find everyone?"


"I can get together some of the leftovers from the buffet and such, I don't feel like cooking anything more elaborate."


"I'll go find people then."

She goes to find people.


Linda is in her room, reading a random book. She puts it down and wanders back into the kitchen.


The foursome are finishing putting their things away in their rooms.


Emily is still in the art room. She has a steadily accumulating list of games and art supplies.


Alex has finished putting things away and is reading physics textbooks with a collection of phones next to him.


Claire is walking along the library shelves and writing things down in a notebook.


She tells everyone "We're going to get some dinner and talk about plans and things, meet us in the kitchen?"


By the time Riley has everything together everyone has arrived. "So, we have a lot to discuss. I don't know that we have any leads on getting home just yet so that seems to rely on exploring and hoping we stumble upon something relevant. There's also figuring out what else we might want to be stable here, which probably includes finding the makings of privacy barriers for the bathroom and the clinic. And then there's the weird discovery Anna and I made this afternoon. Apparently, at least her and I but probably the rest of you have a weird telepathy power that works based on eye contact."


Rose raises an eyebrow.

"Are you shitting me?" says Dave.

"That sounds really cool!" says Jade

"it sounds weird." says John.


"It's not a joke. And is weird. Kind of interesting, but weird."

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