...for they've got enough on their plate, seriously
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That social convention is so annoying.


You don't say. All of the people tolerating my marriage back home - 'he's our King, he can have who he pleases' - they would still be saying that -


And we probably can't disentangle it for this lady in a ten-minute conversation...


And if we do, that's one. Of a million.


The way people talk Elspeth up I'm sort of surprised she didn't make a dent. A little one. Like, 'having heard of the idea' sized dent.


"Did you meet Elspeth?"


"You heard her projecting her thoughts."


"To her world and ours there's a distinction -"

"Yeah. She was thinking how much she loathed the King and how disgusting he was, all the time, just because she has magic to make it feel true doesn't actually make her more correct -"


Okay, so she did make a having heard of the idea sized dent and that's just not cutting it.


"Hard to blame the King's consort for leaving once he could, though."

"It's really none of my business."




So, it's his private business and they feel very progressive about overlooking the gay thing which is lumped in with the rape thing and meanwhile he's a you so they're all very personally fond of him and will stop running their things if it looks like he might prefer that.


Sounds like the shape of it.


Which might be a holding pattern so he gets his ten years, or - more than that.


If he wants to convince them he is enthusiastic about some new form of government that's taking his place, he'll be able to do that. If he doesn't want to convince them of that, we can expect to be inheriting a lot of people, but not a country -


And we don't know if they're contagious so we can't just distribute them into well-governed places...


Finding an answer on that is probably the priority.


Stop at Space on the way home, see if the coalition of your dad's alts are getting anywhere?


Is there any point keeping more appointments like this one, or did he maybe frontload a really discouraging one...


I bet they're all identically discouraging. Want to go to whoever runs his criminal justice system and futilely demand to know why they didn't investigate him, or want to go straight to Space?


Space beats futility.


So they make their apologies and here they are in a stunning Elven city on Endorë the planet. "I hate everyone," Island says. "Complicit, smug, destructive, stupid -"


"Everyone in the sense of everyone having the same orders? Yeah I'm not super fond of them right now either."


"I know I should blame him and not people who follow him, but I would really like to think that getting people to follow me'd be at least marginally harder if I was openly keeping sex slaves! And apparently it'd be even easier!"


"Well - if they give him that much leeway maybe it's that much harder to back out afterwards even if they would've thought it was too far if it were all at once -"


"And they're probably afraid of him, if not in the sense of actively fearing for their lives then in the sense of cutting off lines of thought that'd make them the kind of person who'd need to fear for their life. But still. 'It's really not my business.'" Sigh.


Sigh, indeed. "...I'm not well calibrated on whether I usefully can hug you to comfort you as opposed to when I happen to want a hug."

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