...for they've got enough on their plate, seriously
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Could've felt very heroic about it. Till Forever was in a position to scold us, anyway.


Still haven't met him but I get the sense he wouldn't, not for a while. He's a normal Findekáno when he feels safe and he's - some thing my alt created when he doesn't. 


I'm not sure appearing out of nowhere and killing Midnight would make him feel safe. Interdimensional assassins are not the sort of thing that makes most people consider the multiverse a more secure place.


Nope. So he probably retreats to 'I'm a possession to be handed around' while we all freak out - and he'd also be trying to think how to hold the country together -

- wouldn't actually be better -

- at least Elspeth's magic warned her. If it weren't for that they'd be a merry couple hopping around with the rest of us by now -


You don't think anybody would've caught it?


It wouldn't have taken him much knowing us to decide to err on the side of caution, and I would have found 'oh, yeah, the fact my entire population believes I'm a rapist is the annoying-how-it's-politically-necessary cover story, the Valar really suck don't they' completely plausible. Considering.


Fucking Valar.


Maedhros and Fingon had a similar cover planned and Loki was very appalled at it and it wasn't even as bad as some of the ones I'd considered. Fucking Valar. And Eru, really, since of all the things to have a strong opinion about -


Yeah, the hell is his problem.


I've been so annoyed ever since learning he apparently actually exists. 


Several of him, even. And Shine and Elentári seem all set up to have been exact duplicates except different Bells visited them and they probably aren't even cribbing notes from each other, it's five hops.


Near-omnipotent and likes the kind of story that has Melkor in it. Him we can execute, right?


I would like to be very sure he wasn't holding metaphysics together or something.


We can evacuate the dimension first.


Even if you do that - did you know that apparently magic music has to be composed in a flat Arda? It'll work elsewhere, even Limbo and Revelation which are not known to be adjacent to any Ardas at all, but if you compose it in a Space- or non-Arda, doesn't work. If anything else works like that - if people work like that -


I just want to commit one murder of someone who thoroughly deserves it, he whines, but halfheartedly. And I did not know that about the music. Macalaurë must have been annoyed, I think he'd much rather live here. 

They're at the palace. They're told that the most convenient Maitimo is on his way.


I am sure once Loki finds a way to let Maedhros kill a Thauron you can be next in line.


"Hey!" a space Elf greets them as elevator doors slide open across the hall. "I apologize for taking so long but we've been asked not to teleport in the building, we're making the architects sad."


"...they feel that their work is underappreciated?"


"It's supposed to be a whole aesthetic experience, and here we go, popping around like we're true-mortals. Like looking at exactly three different one-inch squares of a painting, I was told. Anyway, lovely to meet you, you must be Kib-the-newest-Bell and Island-the-newest-Maitimo?"


"That's us. Which Space One are you?"


"Literally everyone who isn't a Bell calls me Seven but to Bells I'm Jewel. Hi."


"The numerical nicknames are tacky," mutters Kib.


"So I've been told! Exclusively by Bells! What're you here for?"


"Just had a displeasing visit with Evil Maitimo who prefers to be called Midnight instead now."

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