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They're going to be rich! ...Linyabel can invent a less kludgy setup while he makes necklaces, both Linyabel and Pen are clear on how to get him letters (just write them and add 'letter to Fëanáro'), unimaginable wealth here they come!


Linaybel has a list of more things she and Pen might want to have around if they're going to be not-interrupting-Fëanáro for this long (in particular she needs a power supply for her computer and her keyboard and Pen is apparently the kind of child who enjoys playing with, like, actual toys) but when this shopping list is taken care of yep!


They can request things in letters, too, they should just keep some area clear so he can fill requests. Power supply! Furnishing for their houses! Media from his peal, actual toys, a giant shimmery fountain visible from the window of his bungalow so things are sufficiently pretty.


And then he makes some recordings of the stacked perception song and starts enchanting an eidetic memory necklace.


And Linya gets to work, and sings with Pen - Linya's got a great voice herself - and plays piano and reads and researches and tinkers.


He only actually did this once, to get the idea, and it's hard and boring compared to all the other kinds of magic, but he's the only person who can do it and when he needs breaks he can teleport around without dropping out of accelerated perception - he spends some time invisible back on Linyabel's home world -

- when they have request he fills them -

- and finally he's got all the characters in place in the metal and he does the finishing sequence to seal it and slips off his own necklace and puts on the new one and it works -

"Done!! How long was that objective time?"


"Three weeks. I have a pretty good ansible handler but I might not want to sell actual devices, just route data through ones we own, charge per bandwidth, I can't get it quite black-boxy enough to be sure nobody would just take it apart. And I'm halfway fluent in Samarian now between Pen and books."


"Cool! I'm going to fly around for a little while and maybe make a couple of the streets in Ambaróna, it's probably not a good idea for me to secretly hang out on your home world. Should we speak Samarian all the time until we have it down?"


Samarian! "I could fly you with what's left of my mana but I'm saving it for emergencies. Where are we going to start selling ansible bandwidth? I wish morph worked here, then we could be grownups..."


"It turns out Pen can carry me, she's engineered to be strong enough for that. I think a channel between Tau Ceti and Escobar would be a good start but I need a little longer to design a good comm satellite designed around an ansible bank, and then we'll have to find out the laws around that sort of thing."


"Okay!" He takes to the air and makes a few particularly pretty cross streets of Ambaróna and dive-bombs the fountain. "Any of that I can help with?"


"Maybe, I don't know, do you know electronics?"


"Our kind, a bit, I don't know how much they're the same."


"Probably not very. I mean, you can at least help me make prototypes so I don't have to do everything in virtual model and I can explain what I'm doing and maybe you'll pick up enough to have ideas."


"I can definitely do that." He conjures a lot of hot air to dry himself off and flaps on over to where she's working.


And she describes what he should make so she can test stuff and her designs are rather pretty themselves and she explains what all the stuff is for - encryption and signal boosters and fidelity checking and power allocation and load balancing and -


It takes him a little while to get up to speed, but once he is following along he can totally be helpful at more than prototyping, and when she goes to sleep he will stay up reading technical manuals and have more good ideas when she wakes up.


Well, she is haut and only sleeps for four hours a day, but that she does do, so he has some time to read stuff. They can make faster progress this way!


"Haut are a lot like Elves. Like, weirdly so."


"We don't have the magic stuff. And we don't need things to be pretty, that's just how talented people with nothing to do impress each other."


"Why not fix up the rest of the universe or something? That's more impressive. And I guess lots of it is just that improvements you make to humans will make them more Elfy because except for the magic stuff Elves are kind of just better-planned humans. ...I don't know why Eru made humans second. 


....oh, I totally forgot to say because I'm the only Elf here and it doesn't matter - I don't use osanwë for mindreading, that'd be evil, but Elves can, and if you want us to not be able to do that you just have to internally designate thoughts  - except ones you're communicating over osanwë - as private, and get in the habit of doing that."


"I got a mind ward," Pen says. "Bet you can't read my mind."


"Do you mind if I try?"




So he tries to read her mind!

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