In Which People Bicker
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The WORLD is ENDING out there!


You're hot when you worry like this. 


There is a very sensible connection between the world ending and at least one of the options, if you are both pessimistic and not-altruistic.


The world ending is why we need hot people to persuade Geb!


The world ending is why we need to find the ugly Urgathoa cultist and bribe them!


On the subject of attractiveness, I've been wondering. Orianna's facecast is a crop of this image. Does that mean Orianna actually dresses like that?


If there's fighting Kroft and the Queen should be on the same side so I can be on their side. FTR.


Cressida Kroft is - mostly as a way of privately venting - praying to a god she just made up.

Her odds would be very low of getting cleric'd now, of course - even if she was praying to a real god.

Gods rarely cleric powerful wizards or fighters.

First-circle cleric powers wouldn't add much to her capabilities at this point. (Not that she'd turn them down! AoE stabilize-the-dying is great, plus it'd be nice to be able to read first-circle scrolls and never take two tries at a wand.)

But any god aligned enough to benefit from empowering her would get a lot more benefit out of empowering someone else, so that they'd have two pieces on the board working towards their ends instead of just the one.

(What Korvosa should do is get everyone in the Vault to pray, and everyone outside it. Though... she supposes Team Shadow's gods could match Team Korvosa new cleric for new cleric. So maybe it all sums to zero and the gods don't cleric more people than they would have done last year? Unless it's an asymetric strategy for mortalkind's side, which one second thought it could well be.) 


(It's somewhat more common for high-level characters to be made inquisitors, or paladins. (The term for this is "dipping", though Kroft isn't super clear on why.)

At any given circle, a cleric's magic gifts beat the pants off an equivalent-circle inquisitor or paladin. But inquisitors and paladins get gifts which work better for someone who's a better fighter or operative than they are at magic. It's cheaper for the god to get similar results, as long as the people who'd be your minions are excellent fighters or you expect them to become so.

And if a god "dips" inquisitor or paladin on someone who's already high-level in their own right, they'll actually get some use out of those abilities in high-stakes situations and earn their own exp.

Dips are still less common than inquisitors and paladins who start from nearer to the ground floor.

(Perhaps - as the gods are doubtless good at scouting talent - enpaladining someone who'll predictably become an excellent warrior leads to a better paladin who's just as good a warrior, and is the best bang for your godly buck?))


But if there is some dreadfully busy god that likes the world and wants to help me save it, who'll pull with me against the combined efforts of every man, woman, god, and child involved, who's within a step of LG and can help me hold this all together, who is willing to make me their cleric, inquisitor, or -



Even as a private joke to herself, the thought of getting useful magic powers that she'd lose for acting in ways she otherwise might want to act feels... potentially corrosive. 

Not that it matters, since a) no one's going to answer her prayer to a hypothetical deity, and b) if Someone somehow did, They aren't going to make her a paladin. She serves in the military of a literal evil queen, and it's not like Eodred was much if any better. She works for a state that uses torture and mutilation as punishments for crimes and in times of war buys human scalps.

Cressida Kroft the paladin? The idea is ridiculous. 

So, whatever.


- who is willing to make me their cleric, inquisitor, or even paladin, though I'm warning you in advance that it's your reputation on the line, there. I'm going to keep doing what I think is right even if it makes me "fall" -

If there is such a god, I'd take any help they can offer.


Mortals are hard for Her to understand, but THIS mortal has the CORRECT WAY of THINKING.


Across the multiverse and all of time, Otolmens has had very, very few clerics. Zero inquisitors. And zero paladins.

She never previously had any reason to pay the distinctions any mind, and she's not sure she entirely gets what the tradeoffs are supposed to be.

This would be EASIER if the mortal CLARIFIED. Or failing THAT, if Otolmens MAPPED her SOUL or read the CONTENTS of her BRAIN.

FORTUNATELY, Otolmens operates FREELY across SEVERAL of the ESTABLISHED METALAYERS, and can probe what Kroft is thinking in a NON-DESTRUCTIVE manner. 


Cleric, inquisitor, or paladin?


That's right, cleric, inquisitor, or paladin.


Which WORKS BEST OUT OF cleric, inquisitor, or paladin?


I'm sure the hypothetical god I'm praying to knows that better than I do.


What if the god DOESN'T?


I have no plans for that contingency.


WHAT is your opinion RE: WARPRIEST? 


Like, a cleric and a fighter? That's... what I'd be.


Warpriest is a BASE CLASS with TWENTY LEVELS.


I've never heard about this. Do whatever you think works best?


What about ORACLE? Would you like to be an ORACLE?


I lack the context to say.

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